Above Left


Help protect our planet

At Above Left, we believe that our modular carpets should do more than simply enhance the aesthetic appeal of spaces; they should also promote livability. This is why we prioritize the creation of products that meet rigorous indoor air-quality requirements, are safe for both manufacture and use, and incorporate recycled materials whenever possible. Our unique EcoSoft@ backing, for example, is made from millions of recycled plastic bottles. We are committed to ecological sustainability not only in our products, but in every aspect of our operations. Our manufacturing facilities adhere to the highest environmental standards, and we take steps to minimize our carbon footprint throughout our business.


Million Bottle


Million Kg Contribution
To Organic Fertilizer

0 +

Million Kg
Take-back Program


Million Kg
O-cut Waste To Rdf

1 Billion Bottles By 2025

To Date Above Left & Carpets Inter have Recycled over 930 Millions Plastic PET Bottles diverting them away from our oceans.

For every Square Metre of Product manufactured over 50 Plastic PET bottles are recycled in our unique EcoSoft Backing.

We are committed to cleaning our oceans of unwanted plastic waste, and we do this at the source of manufacturing through recycling and also donating to the Ocean Clean-up Organization.

Net-Zero Future

It’s a shame that we have to state the obvious, but the truth is that climate change is primarily caused by human activity. Without swift and decisive action, the consequences of climate change will have a devastating impact on the environment, society, and the economy. It is therefore imperative that all stakeholders – the private sector, public sector, and individuals – work together as a cohesive team and take bold action to address this global crisis.

At Above Left, we recognize the urgent need to combat climate change and are committed to doing our part. We have already achieved a lot of our sustainability goals as a company to date. We are also dedicated to inspiring our employees and other companies to take action and make a positive impact on the planet.

Healthy Soil

The best way to combat the impact of CO2 on our Planet is to support the Earth’s natural process of plants drawing down harmful greenhouse gasses and COz via photosynthesis, to put back (sequester) Carbon into the ground and sustain healthier soil. Healthier soil means healthier plants. Healthier Plants mean healthier live-stock. Healthier animals mean healthier humans, healthier water and a better climate for centuries to come.

Since 2014, Above Left has been repurposing and donating treated sediment from our manufacturing operations, contributing to produce over 17 million Kilograms of organic fertilizer to annually fertilize over 5,250 acres of agricultural Croplands. Crops grown in organically fertilized soil not only make us healthier, they eliminate the need for farmers to apply poisonous pesticides that will kill microorganisms in the soil and release CO2 back into the atmosphere, thus continuing to pollute the very air we breathe.

Manufactured On Renewable Energy

Our Factory in Thailand is fully powered by its own Solar Power atop the factory roofs.

It allows for all of our Products stocked in Australia to be
manufactured using renewable energy sourced at the point of production and also pump renewable energy back into the communities power grid.

Less Waste, Cleaner Planet

As part of Above Left & Carpets Inter’s cradle-to-grave mission since 2014, we have made significant strides towards achieving zero waste going into landfills in Thailand. This has been accomplished by recycling all manufacturing “off-cut” waste, collecting and uplifting our clients’ end-of-life floor coverings regardless of their origin, and ensuring the collection and “Take-Back” of all installation “off-cuts” after new products are installed.

Waves of Change

Creating an eco-friendly yarn dying process


With a large factory in a rural Rice growing area in Thailand, maintaining high quality water is essential. Using an innovative mix of high and low-tech recycling solutions Royal Thai has maintained 100% recycled water and zero solid waste since 2015.

RE3 : Carpet Reclamation

A second life for your old carpet

Prevent your old carpet from ending up in a landfill by participating in the Royal Thai RE3 Carpet Take Back Program. RE3—Return, Reuse, Recycle—offers three disposal options based on your carpet’s condition and your preference. Simply sign up when you replace your carpet, and we’ll handle the rest.