ECS is the Environmental Certification Scheme of the Carpet Institute of Australia. The ECS is recognised in the Green Building Councils Greenstar rating system. Most of Above Left’s EcoSoft® backed carpet tile range is certified to level 4, the highest level, and ensures 100% product score in the Greenstar rating calculators. The ECS is a third party certification (independent), and level 4 covers things like: VOC (indoor air quality), banned toxic materials and dyes, manufacturing Environmental Management Systems, fitness for purpose (carpet quality), and Product Stewardship that deals with tiles at the end of their life in our REcover® program.
ECS is the Environmental Certification Scheme of the Carpet Institute of Australia. The ECS is recognised in the Green Building Councils Greenstar rating system. Most of Above Left’s EcoSoft® backed carpet tile range is certified to level 4, the highest level, and ensures 100% product score in the Greenstar rating calculators. The ECS is a third party certification (independent), and level 4 covers things like: VOC (indoor air quality), banned toxic materials and dyes, manufacturing Environmental Management Systems, fitness for purpose (carpet quality), and Product Stewardship that deals with tiles at the end of their life in our REcover® program.